Pasture Renovation 

11/15/2021 06:12 PM Comment(s) By Amy Fischer

2021 Farm Project: Pasture Renovation

We continually strive to improve our services and facility for our clients.  2021 has been a busy year!  We started the year rehabbing our back old hay field to turn it into new pastures for our client's wonderful horses.   

Step 1: Soil Samples
First we took a soil samples in the spring from various places in the field to ensure a good representation of the soil was presented.  We then sent the soil off to the lab to be tested via Southern States.  The handy dandy soil probe tool made the process so much easier and was well worth the $15 spend.  

Step 2: Herbicide & Fertilizer mix based on soil sample results

After a few weeks the results came back from the lab. Then folks at Southern States analyzed them and recommended the best fertilizer blend.   Southern States then sprayed the herbicide and fertilizer on the field in one application.  

Step 3: 
Seed Pasture  
After a two week waiting period we were able to "no till drill" to plant our pasture seed.  
We rented a Haybuster 107C no-till drill from Southern States - Georgetown.  We have found them to be a great resource with super customer service and very knowledgeable!

Step 4: Let the Seed Grow  
We then waited for Mother Nature to do her thing and grow the seed. We planted a bit later than was optimum, so there was concern the seeds would not germinate and the seeding would take.  By June, we had beautiful lush green grass.  Success!   We then continued to mow the field 2-3 times per month.  Even though we put about 11 acres in fence, we mowed the entire 20 acres in order to maintain our hacking paths.  It takes about 5 hours to mow with our 12' bushhog to mow the entire space.   

kentucky field rennovation


What is a No-Till Drill

Very quick summary: A series of rotating disks calibrated for depth will slice the soil, insert the seed to ensure good seed to soil contact which is needed for good growth.   

Visit Haybuster 107Cs manufacturer page for full specs, advantages, more photos.        

Photo of Amy no-till drill seeding the field 2021

Additional Resources
- University of Kentucky Forage Extension
A wealth of information and in person educational opportunities; both paid and free to anyone wanting to learn more about pasture and forage management. 

Amy Fischer

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